Angular Advantages: 5 Key Reasons Top Companies Choose It!

Angular is an end-to-end solution for front-end development launched by Google in 2010. It is a javascript framework and includes React, Vue, and Angular. 

Many top companies use Angular for their web pages due to its exceptional simplicity and capability. It delivers an enriching user experience, which is the goal of most commercial web applications and pages. 

In this blog, we have penned down five compelling reasons why Angular is a great choice for your web application development project. We have also formulated a list of companies that use Angular’s robust features to take their business to the next level. 

Reasons To Use Angular

Angular’s popularity is due to the simplicity it offers and the influential names associated with it. According to an estimate, 4,132,917 websites use Angular. Besides this, Angular also holds a key position in Github, with 3.1k watchings and 84.6k stars. 

Let’s look at the benefits of using Angular to better understand why it is so popular. 

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Developed and Vetted By The Best 

Angular is a Google product, launched in 2010 and another version in 2016. Google’s engineers maintain all its versions and are quick to fix any glitches. This means its users get unparalleled customer support, making the development process hassle-free. 

Quick End-to-End Development 

Angular’s exceptional model view controller architecture (MVC) enables swift development, easy testing, and maintenance. The MVC architecture has gained popularity among businesses due to its ability to isolate application logic from the user interface layer.

Before this, developers faced difficulties integrating logic, leading to chaotic situations. By incorporating MVC logic in Angular, applications are now easier to update, reduced development time, and collaboration between multiple developers is possible.


Another reason Angular is the best framework for web development is its reusability. Its modular code design and split components enable developers to reuse code to build new applications. Due to its high-quality features, businesses using Angular can shift the particulars from old to new versions of their apps. 

For businesses looking to develop large-scale apps, reusability is an attractive characteristic. Using Angular’s advantage in front-end development, businesses can ensure their application’s scale matches their demands. 

Strong Support Network

Angular offers a support portal for all its users. Developers can get the support of Google’s skilled engineers and programmers in case of an issue in the framework. 

In addition to these communities, numerous conferences, seminars, and webinars are organized where seasoned professionals are invited to share their insights on Angular. Moreover, the internet is full of information in the form of books or brief articles, which not only assists Angular developers in resolving their queries but also enables them to contribute to the community as needed. 

Foolproof Design Architecture 

Big names in many industries use Angular to manage their web pages. These sites are loaded with features yet have decent page loading speeds and enhanced customer engagement. 

Angular makes this possible with its efficient modular architecture and cross-platform architecture. 

Top Companies That Use Angular


Google is among the most common search engines providing IT-related services and applications. Most of their apps are developed using Angular, including Google Voice, Google Play Store, and Google Cloud. 


Gmail is a free email service created by Google in 2004. It has 1.8 billion users worldwide and continues to grow. It is available in over 100 languages and is powered by Angular. 


Youtube is a video streaming application available worldwide. Since its inception in 2005, it has evolved to have many versions. Youtube TV is a platform that allows you to watch television on the internet and uses Angular. It has another version for the PlayStation and is also powered by Angular. 


It is an online payment transfer platform that has existed for some time. It enables the seamless transfer of money between businesses and individuals. PayPal supports its money transfer network of over 305 million active users through Angular. 

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is a household name. The office suite includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook. In addition to these free applications, it offers OneDrive, a free online storage application, and OneNote, an online calendar. 


Angular is a flexible platform that offers less coding and easy testing and maintenance of dynamic web applications. These perks make it an excellent choice for building feature-loaded single-page applications with fast loading speeds. 

This blog highlights why big names like Youtube and PayPal are loyal users of Angular. Its popularity is global and shows no signs of slowing down. 

You should leverage the advantages of Angular and use it for your next IT project to enjoy the perks that so many top companies enjoy. 

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