5 Best UI/UX Design Tools To Enhance User Experience In 2024

User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) are two essential components of web design. Both involve consumers’ interaction with a product or service but explore different aspects of this interaction. UI, as the name suggests, hones in on the design part of a product. For example, the colors, typography, fonts, etc. UX, on the other hand, focuses on how a user experiences a product. 

The two are closely linked and are designed in close collaboration to deliver an overall great experience to users on the web. 

To help designers achieve this feat, there are many UI/UX design tools out there. They keep evolving fast, adding new features to make the user experience as smooth as possible. 

Let’s dive in to explore the top five UI/UX design tools every designer must have in 2024. 

Best UI/UX Design Tools 


From its humble beginnings as a visual design tool for web-based products to a full-blown UI/UX design tool, Sketch has come a long way. Its practical interface makes it a popular choice for designers looking to incorporate UX design elements. 

Sketch quickly adds new functionalities within its software, like prototyping tools and real-time collaboration features. This makes it even more of a favorite among designers. The only downside is that it’s currently only functional on MacOS. Unfortunately, Windows and Linux users must find alternatives to Sketch to meet their UI/UX design needs. 



InVision is a dynamic design tool with a strong focus on enhancing user experience. It makes its mark with its handy prototyping tool. 

It enables users to generate interactive prototypes that automatically adapt to the device and orientation. Additionally, there’s InVision Studio – a brand-new independent digital design and UX software packed with a comprehensive set of tools, including a vector-drawing tool, interactive designs, and built-in animations. It is functional on both Windows and MacOS. 

Adobe XD

The Adobe family is considered the royalty of design software. And for all the right reasons too. They pioneered design tools and software and have kept pace with the evolving trends to bag their spot among all available design tools. 

Adobe XD is a member of the Adobe family that offers a vector-based user interface for creating mockups and prototypes. It has an interface similar to its other family members and offers real-time collaboration on projects. This tool provides many exciting features for incorporating interaction elements in prototypes and mockups. A perk of using a tool as exquisite as Adobe XD is that it combines different design disciplines into a single platform. It can work on both Windows and MacOS. 


Axure specializes in prototyping and keeping track of workflows. It offers the perk of creating prototypes backed by data-driven interactions and eliminates the need for coding. 

With Axure, adding features like dynamic panels and animations is easy. Its collaboration features make it convenient to team up on a project and document progress every step of the way. 

Its ease of use and functionality on Windows and MacOS makes it another favorite among designers. 


Figma is a popular design tool that lets designers build dynamic prototypes and mockups and test their usability, all in a synchronized environment. This design software has multiple features that make it a favorite among designers. 

Its huge layout enables designers to carry out multiple functions in a single tool, from prototypes to wireframes, to mood boards. Figma makes it easy to perform all these activities in a collaborative environment. 

This brings us to the second feature that makes this tool stand out. Yes, you guessed it, the option for collaboration. Much like Google Docs, in Figma, multiple people can simultaneously work on a project with the progress visible to everyone on the team. 

Lastly, its comprehensive browser functionality makes it easily accessible and works on Windows, MacOS, and Browser. 

Final Words

Although there are scores of design tools available, no one size fits. Designers must conduct their research before choosing a UI/UX design tool. Ease of use, level of expertise required, and nature of the project are important questions to consider when making this decision. 

Whatever tool you decide to work with, always keep essential UX principles in mind: to design products that are accessible to everyone. 

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