Mastering UX: Top 5 WordPress Tips for Exceptional Websites

As more businesses jump on the e-commerce bandwagon, the need for a strong online presence increases. For businesses to be successful, it is essential to have user-friendly websites. An unmatched user experience drives more conversions and hence greater profits. 

WordPress remains a popular choice for building websites to meet the need for an efficient online presence for businesses and startups. According to an estimate by W3Techs, approximately 43% of all websites are powered by WordPress. Its popularity is due to its easy-to-understand interface for building web pages, options for customization, and adding content to increase engagement with the target audience. 

Since WordPress is a hot favorite among web developers and business owners alike, let’s go through five best practices for creating stunning websites using WordPress. 

1- Focus on Developing Mobile-Friendly Sites 

Responsive design and mobile-friendly development. These two topics cannot be stressed enough when it comes to creating websites. A responsive design that is mobile-friendly not only delivers an unmatched user experience but also ranks higher on SERPs. 

Skilled web developers use up-to-date WordPress themes and plugins to ensure that the website automatically adjusts to smaller screens. This is a crucial practice to adopt for every WordPress developer, as mobile users are the major source of web traffic these days.

In case you’re running a custom site design, you must make a conscious effort to develop a website with mobile-friendly features.  

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 2- Prioritize Essential Design Elements 

To create a foolproof WordPress site, you must ace design skills in addition to web development skills. When utilized correctly, basic design elements like typography and white space can be game changers for your website. 

Many web developers don’t pay attention to typography as they see it outside their scope. But it is important to focus on selecting the right font for your website to ensure the delivery of a cohesive message through your website. There is a huge variety of fonts to choose from. Make sure you select a font that gels in with the website’s overall design. 

Big blocks of text are not welcome online. Internet users have limited attention spans, and websites that are too text heavy, drive users away. So, make plenty of use of white space. Using white space can make your website more readable and highlight your message in key areas on the site. 

3- Select the Right Plugins and Themes 

WordPress plugins are a great resource for building effective websites. But, be careful in your selection, as excessive add-ons can impose security risks and slow down your website. 

To counter these issues, use only those plugins that are upgraded regularly. 

It is also recommended to run routine audits of the plugins you use. This should involve the updates of the add-ons you are using and how well they are performing. This can help you drop outdated plugins or those that pose a security threat.  

4- Pay Special Attention To Security 

Cybercrime is rampant. Security threats to your website can arise via outdated plugins or hackers. Whatever the cause, you must take preventive measures to ensure the safety of your website. 

Taking simple steps to strengthen your website security can go a long way. 

First, security plugins do a great job protecting your website against fake login attempts, spam comments, etc. They also help you to block and blacklist attackers. These measures create a security fort against threats that expose your website to malfunctioning. Some popular security plugins are Sucuri, Bulletproof Security, and WPScan.

Secondly, choose usernames and passwords that are hard to figure out. Using a common, easily deductible password or username can make your website an easy target for hackers.  

5- Update The Site in a Test Environment 

It is crucial always to update your website in a test environment to avoid confusing your users as they access the website. When you make changes to a live website, it can cause the website to crash. And that is something all web developers and businesses want to avoid since a malfunctioning website can cause a big dent in business sales. 

To prevent mishaps while updating the site, always use a test environment to introduce changes or test new features. Using WordPress environments should be second nature as a developer, and you must implement all the best practices discussed above in a test environment. 


To ace your WordPress development skills, it is also important to be a decent web designer. Because a great website comes from a successful collaboration between development and design professionals. 

Adhere to the tips and best practices discussed in this blog to build unique websites using WordPress development strategies with little mishaps along the way. 

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