Boost Your Rankings: Master SEO-Friendly Content Writing

Are you struggling with getting your website ranked on the first page of Google search results? If you answered yes, you need to start creating SEO-friendly content for your website. 

SEO or search engine optimization is a process to optimize your web content to rank higher in the search engine results page (SERPs). This is important to improve the visibility of your website and drive more organic traffic. 

There are many tips and techniques to ensure that Google identifies your content as user-friendly and ranks it highly. But one of the best ways to achieve this is to hire SEO experts

SEO specialists help you implement best practices to optimize your content for search engines. If you need help with how to write SEO-friendly content or where to start, this blog is for you. 

Moreover, elevate your website’s SEO game with our expert copywriters at Devsarmy. Learn how our services can optimize your content for higher rankings here.

Tips and Tricks For Writing SEO-Friendly Content

SEO is easier than you think. You need a professional approach and the right strategy to create content that ranks for SEO every time. 

The following tips will help you craft optimized content for ranking highly on search engines. 

Perform Keyword Research 

Keyword research is the bedrock of SEO. 

The algorithm of SEO has changed a lot, and keyword stuffing alone no longer impacts rankings. Still, keywords remain a crucial factor for achieving good SEO rankings. Use your keyword throughout your content in a natural way. Always keep user intent in mind and avoid keyword stuffing. 

There are many online tools available to help you jumpstart your keyword research. But there are other methods you can use to carry out effective keyword research. Here are some of them:

  • Use Related Searches on Google 
  • Make use of Google’s Autocomplete feature to get keyword suggestions based on user queries
  • Find transactional keywords on Amazon
  • Keep an eye on your competitors and see which keywords they use to generate traffic 

Once you find the right keywords, use them in high-impact places. For example, in your title, in H1-H6 tags, in meta-tags, and in image alt texts.  

Craft Compelling Headlines 

Catchy headlines are a great way to kill two birds with one stone. They grab your reader’s attention and irk them to read more. As a bonus, good headlines also improve your SEO rankings. 

Good headlines are descriptive and build curiosity. They should clearly explain what your content is about and what the reader will gain after reading it. 

For SEO purposes, use your core keyword in the title and try to keep it 60 characters in length. 

Arrange Your Content

Good content always follows a structured format. 

To have a solid structure for your blogs, it is important first to create an outline. Jot down the central idea of your content and then break it down into three parts; an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. 

Craft an opening that entices readers to read more. Break your body into different parts. Each section can talk about a unique aspect of your topic. And make sure to make the most of your conclusion. 

Don’t use your conclusion to repeat everything you just said in your blog post. Instead, include a strong call to action to persuade your readers to take the desired action after reading your post. 

Following a structure improves your SEO rankings and delivers your message coherently. 

Avoid Blocks Of Text 

Write small paragraphs to hold your reader’s attention. Readers on the web have small attention spans and lose interest quickly. When they see text-heavy web pages, their first instinct is to click on the back button instantly. 

Always communicate one central idea per paragraph. This will help you achieve smaller paragraphs and deliver your message effectively. 

The ideal paragraph length should be 2 to 3 sentences, but feel free to play around. Varying the size of your paragraphs gives your content diversity and a natural flow. 

Sometimes a single-line paragraph is very impactful too.

To avoid monotony, you can use bulleted lists, bold fonts to highlight important facts or italics for asking questions. 

It is wise to use small paragraphs to keep your readers glued, achieve a crisp writing style, and rank higher in SERPs. Simple tips to limit your paragraphs’ size can skyrocket your content’s ranking. 

Add Visuals and Optimize Them 

A picture is worth a thousand words. 

This holds equally true for web content. Including images in your blog posts can enhance the reader experience. 

Firstly, visuals can break your text into smaller chunks improving its readability. Secondly, adding ALT text to your images improves the overall SEO ranking of your website. 

ALT text is not visible to your website visitors, but Google uses it to understand the context of your content and rank it according to relevance. Adding ALT text is also handy when an image doesn’t load on a device. In this case, an image’s ALT text is visible instead of the image and provides context to the visual. 

Optimize Meta-Descriptions 

After you are done crafting a stellar blog post, make sure you write a persuasive meta-description for it too. A meta description is a brief explanation of what your topic is about and provides a context of your content to search engines. 

For better SEO rankings, never skip meta descriptions. Write unique meta descriptions for each page on your website. Using the same description tags can cause Google to flag your site. 

Use your target keywords in your meta description naturally and keep them within 150 to 160 characters. To optimize your meta descriptions for mobile users, limit them to 113 characters long. 


Creating SEO-friendly content for your website may require some effort initially, but in the end, it will be highly beneficial. To create SEO-friendly content like second nature, remember that you are writing for humans, not robots. 

Besides focusing only on a higher SEO ranking, focus on delivering value to your readers through your content. This will automatically drive your website up in SERPs. The algorithms for SEO ranking have changed, and keyword stuffing doesn’t work anymore. Today, search engines check the quality before quantity. And user intent plays a central role in getting better rankings. 

The tips discussed in this blog will help you produce quality content to improve your rankings on SERPs, generate more traffic, and convert visitors into customers.

Get Ready To Hire SEO Experts 

It can be time-consuming and expensive to hire trained SEO content writers these days. But with Devsarmy’s global pool of technical talent, you can hire SEO Content Writing experts within your time zone in less than 48 hours!