Our client reached out to us with an idea of creating a platform that was intended for real estate project listings. They had multiple projects of their own and wanted to begin marketing and convert potential buyers for when the projects were completed.

The issues that arose from the very getgo was that we needed a variety of projects to choose from, and the number of projects that they had wouldn’t be enough to administer a solution and sell it as a product.

We needed projects to list, but tracking down projects that haven’t even started yet, was a behemoth in itself.


We decided to make a platform that would administer the user as both, a buyer and a seller. With this approach, we would be ensuring that we would attract serious buyers who we’re looking to purchase a home. For the low price of $2.50, we onboarded a great deal of customers.

For homeowners who just wanted to list their project, we set a free account where they would just list their project and have the ability to respond to buyers.

We would later remind them of the capabilities of the standard version that would provide additional features.

The platform was ready, and we then created a website and began marketing the project. We converted many users just by the website alone. The Sales team primarily used.

THE Results

For the platform – We used React for the front-end. Node on the Backend alongside MongoDB. The FE rendered data using axios and we utilized GoogleMap API for properties listing. For the Website – We create simple Websites using react. We also set up analytics to monitor website performance and SEO.